I am a creative, agile, and constantly curious UX Designer, experienced UI Engineer, adherent of rigorous best practices and standards, devoted continual learner, with an extensive background in photography, and visual communication. Exceptional collaborative, production and time management skills; I am a happy contributor to all team efforts. I built this site with HTML5, CSS3/SASS, Javascript/JQuery, Git, and Gulp.
My commercial work and the personal projects I pursue reflect a keen interest in people and how they live. I am deeply attentive to the details that make and project more nuanced, more engaging and more effective.
See my other dev projects on GitHub.
Connect with me on LinkedIn.
My photography work has been published widely by a diverse range of editorial and commercial clients, including:
The New York Times Magazine, Southern Poverty Law Center, Minnesota Farmers Union, Martha Stewart Living, The Blue Man Group, House and Garden, American Lawyer, Life, GHI, Time, HSBC, Dwell, InStyle, Walmart, Microsoft, Fast Company
See my photography at www.amyeckertphoto.com.
See installation views of exhibitions.